Handling click events in Webview with Javascript

A new Flutter application.

Getting Started

In Flutter, touch and click events are not working in webview. so instead of writing click event in dart, write click event on Javascript by element tag name, class name or id

First step is to enable the javascript, javascript is disabled by default in webview. We can get each and every data from website by js.

Enable the javascript by Webview widget javascriptMode property

javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,

javascriptChannels : Channel of communication between JS and Flutter

Then implement the javascriptChannels for getting the data from Web to flutter

JavascriptChannel( channelName , onMessageReceived: (JavascriptMessage result) { }) 

Pass the data from web using js by channel name, like


Once the Message is posted from js,the onMessageReceived function for the javascript channel will be called with the result ‘data’.

JavascriptMessage class temporarily has only one message member variable of type String, so if you want to pass complex data, you can achieve it by passing a json string.

There is no limit for javascript channels. javascriptChannels property in webview requires Set,so we can add many channels.

We are going to load the js click event by webview controller once the webpage is loaded in the webview.

Load the js click event by webview controller

        "document.getElementsByName('commit')[0].addEventListener('click',function(){ try { showResult.postMessage(document.getElementById('login_field').value);  } catch (err) {} });");

The below code is to add click event for all the clickable elements in the currently loaded web page. Get the body element by tag name then add click event to it. so every clickable element is clicked in the web page, the callback function will call

        "document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].addEventListener('click',function(){ try { showSnackbar.postMessage(document.getElementById('login_field').value);  } catch (err) {} });");

Below code snippet is for web view configuration

    initialUrl: "https://github.com/login",
    onWebViewCreated: (controller) {
    _myController = controller;
    onPageFinished: (url) {
        "document.getElementsByName('commit')[0].addEventListener('click',function(){ try { showResult.postMessage(document.getElementById('login_field').value);  } catch (err) {} });");
    onPageStarted: (url) {},
    javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
    javascriptChannels: Set.from([
    name: "showResult",
    onMessageReceived: (JavascriptMessage result) {
    if (result.message != null && result.message != "") {
    // The result data will be stored in result.message 